Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I love my eye in this!

I couldn't get the style picture I wanted with the pictures so up close so I asked Morgan to push the shutter for me!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Old Family Photos

My aunt Alethia, my dad in the middle and my uncle Paul. 

Alethia, my dad, and uncle Paul. 

Uncle Paul, my dad on his birthday, my aunt Alethia and my Grandpa Craig =)

My Grandpa Craig when he was young. 

...and then on the day of his wedding to Grandma Craig.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Absent for the trip to the arboretum so I ventured around looking for stuff!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Stacey, the woman who cuts my hair. The straps on her shoulders are actually part of her baby carrier. =)

Middle/elementary school principal Mr. Rueth and his son Carter!!

Even graduated teenagers still love Halloween! Amanda looks pretty punk!

Cassi's eyelashes made me laugh! It took her forever to glue them on!!

Her little brother Eli was Chucky... Weird.

First Runner Up for Little Miss Neillsville, Brooke, is so adorable. 

It was cold out that night, even for the eskimo!

The little vamipress, Little Miss Neillsville Teeghan, and her family!  

Probably my favorite picture of the whole night. Trick or Treating for canned goods for student council, this 17 year old high school senior had a LOT of fun!