Monday, October 25, 2010

Rural Decay

The bottom of the door of that same shed. 

I love this picture. The red mirrored in the red of the wheelbarrow. 

Now to ruin it with a touch of nastiness: the red on the ground is not the normal color of the leaves. That is blood from the cow that we had butchered earlier that day. =)

Old, ripped apart truck across the street from my house.

The outhouse a few feet from the decrepit truck across the street.

Broken down church.
The run-down church about 10 yards from the decrepit truck. They used to hold summer bible school there, until one kid almost fell through the floor. 

Really old fence post along the road on our property. This was before people used metal posts for fences.


  1. Love the 7th picture ( the church where they had bible school) its 'pretty' :)

  2. That is probably my favorite one too.

  3. Decay.

    I like the window thru a window... you should go back and try that again again at different times. Shoot a sunset or sunrise thru it????? THAT could be cool!
